Members Section

We would like to invite as many of our patients as possible into our Patient Participation Group.

We really do value your input, and would like to have members of all ages & backgrounds as part of this group, to reflect the diversity of the patients we care for. Quarterly meetings with the Practice Manager and members of staff from Willingham Medical Practice are open to the public, to share your thoughts and ideas and have your say about the things that are most important to you.

Meetings are held quarterly, alternating between midday and evening. Patients are invited to attend for as long as they are able.

  • Chair: Chris Thornhill
  • We are currently looking for volunteers to assist as Secretary/Notetaker.
  • We hope to see you at our next meeting at Willingham Medical Practice

 Next Date: The meeting will be on Tuesday 14th May 2024 7pm – 8.30pm at Willingham Medical Practice

Sign up forms are available in the practice waiting room at Willingham and Longstanton, you can complete the online form on our website, or simply contact our receptionists for further information and to register your interest.

Contact Us

Contact the Patient Group with your feedback, suggestion, comment or question.

Please do not use this form for complaints – these should always be directed to the Practice Manager.

Contact Form
