Any formal complaints or concerns regarding our service should be addressed to our Practice Manager, Sharon Unwin, either verbally or in written format.
We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, often at the time they arise and directly with the person concerned. All the doctors here feel the patient has a right to a second opinion within the practice and that they can consult with the doctor of their choice. If you wish to take your concerns further we can advise you of your options and who to contact.
Please click on the link below for a more detailed view of our complaints process, a list of contacts should you wish to take your concerns further and a complaint form to download should you wish to use.
Complaints About Hospital Care
Your comments, compliments, concerns and complaints will help improve the services provided to patients.
If you, your relatives or your carers are unhappy in any way with any part of your treatment, or the service you receive while in hospital or an outpatient clinic, you or they should speak to a member of the ward or clinic staff as soon as possible.
If you feel unable to speak directly to staff, please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and complaints team who can help you. You can call in to the office, telephone 01223 216756 or email
Please visit for further information about this service.