Child/Adolescent Substance Use

CASUS – Cambridgeshire Child and Adolescent Substance Use Service

CASUS provide information, support and specialist treatment in Cambridgeshire, around drug and alcohol use, to young people under 18 and their families. 

Their website contains information on services, including how to refer yourself, or somebody else, and lots of information and advice around drugs, alcohol, and mental wellbeing. The service is commissioned by the Cambridgeshire Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) and its key partners.

Visit their website at for full information about this service.

Telephone: 01480 415278


Facebook: casuscpft

Twitter: casus_cpft

YouTube: CASUStv

Who to Contact in a Crisis

  • Mental Health (including out of hours) – 111 option 2. Please call First Response Service on 111 option 2 – details here:
  • Childline – 0800 1111: 24 hour confidential helpline. Speak with childline in private about anything worrying you.
  • NHS 111: Call 111 for 24 hour advice and information on health and illness. 
  • Your GP: 01954 260230. We have emergency appointments daily, and the on call GP is always available to speak with you in Surgery hours in the event of an emergency. 
  • Frank – 0300 123 6600 text 82111 – 24-hour drugs advice.
  • A&E/999 – Visit A&E or call 999 in an emergency (if you’re seriously injured, have taken too many drugs/alcohol or are feeling suicidal).